Friday 8 July 2016

Cherry Cordial

It is so nice to be able to take a nice, relaxed approach to my crochet for a while. Over the past few days I've been able to get so much stuff organised at home, and still be able to pick up my crochet at my leisure, in my own pace. I'm enjoying it!

I am finally up to date on my Square-a-day blanket. From now on - as the name suggests - I need only do one square each day to keep on top of it. My square for July also comes from Ellen Gormley's book - "Crochet to Go!" This square is called 'Cherry Cordial', presumably because of the colour of the sample square.

This isn't my favourite square out of the book. I'm not entirely sure why. I enjoy the clusters around the edge, because they give the square a nice, soft squishy feel. But the actual look of the square is quite similar to the one I did previously (Oscar) and like Oscar, it has lots of large holes in it. I was originally planning on this blanket being a year-long project - 12 months at around 30 squares per month. After dropping it last year and picking it up again this year, I decided to add 12 months of squares to the original 4 months that I had already done. That's looking at around 480 squares, so the blanket is going to be pretty big to begin with. Now I am thinking that I might do repeat months of some of the solid squares - like the manghan square, or the solid granny square - to offset the sheer number of squares that have holes in them. I don't know if I will definitely do this, it's just a thought in the back of my mind.

Now that I am up to date with this project, my next plan is to get up to date on my TH club blanket. I have two packs of wonderfully squishable yarn waiting for me, and I believe the current dispatch date for the next pack is July 10th. That will make 3 packs left to do - literally one THIRD of the total blanket. At least it won't take me long!

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