Sunday 17 April 2016

Sophie is FINISHED!

As I write this, it is the morning of the 17th. My mum's birthday dinner was yesterday, and yes, I did finish Sophie. She absolutely loved her. She knew that I was making her a blanket, and I have no idea what sort of blanket she was expecting. But it was clear from her reaction that Sophie was not it. She seemed genuinely astonished. I couldn't be more pleased.

One month of work, 4 kilograms of yarn, and 175 cm in length

I began Sophie on the 16th March, and I finished her on the 15th April. Exactly one month, on and off. More on than off towards the end, admittedly. And definitely the most badly managed project I have ever done! When I bought the yarn last April, I read the wrong list of yarn. I had intended to make the smaller version of Sophie, and so I ordered the yarn from the 'small' list. The problem there was that I ordered the weight of yarn and used the hook size for the large blanket, which required much more yarn. Had I started Sophie when I received the yarn, instead of waiting until the last minute, then I might have noticed the yarn shortage before my yarn supplier was out of stock of most of the colours, maybe even before Cascade stopped making the shade of yellow that I used. But I'm a bit of a plonker like that.

In the end, I used 49 balls of Cascade Pacific Chunky, in the following colours:

Blue Mist (92) x11
Cotton Candy (18) x3
Spring Green (16) x4
Lavender (26) x5
Yellow (12) x3
Violet (38) x4
Bronze Green (87) x2
Honeysuckle Pink (51) x4
Dusty Turquoise (23) x5
Cream (01) x3
Italian Plum (44) x3
Gold (13) x2

Now that Sophie is finished, I have time to work on my other projects. Once the RSI in my wrists settles down a little, I'm going to finish my sister's wedding gift, and then I have another request for a unicorn plushie. In the meantime, however, I have some paid work to do. The fashion company I worked for up until the end of last November needed some hand sewing done. I am quite pleased that my name came up in the conversation - It does help that my sister works there though. On Friday I took delivery of some vintage army jackets. It is my job to pick the velcro patches off of them, and hand sew a motif onto them. I'll be paid per jacket, so I can't complain. And sitting at my dinner table with an endless supply of tea? Well, I can think of worse working conditions.

I'd better get to it then!

1 comment:

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Oh my gosh...Sophie is absolutely amazing. GREAT job :) :)